FTIR analysis allow for a general picture of the profile of a product at a given time during the production process. It serves as an indicative, with a certain precision, as long as the analyzed product is “STANDARD”. As soon as a parameter of the product or the product itself doesn’t fit in the normal limits of the type of product or in the criteria of categorization of the product, the results can be distorted or out of the calibration curves. To improve the accuracy of the FTIR results, here are certain conditions to comply to:

  • Product should consist of: grape or apple must, grape wine, or apple cider: no added flavorings, no added alcohol or other adjuvant (e.g. no port-type or fortified products, no flavored ciders, no berry wine, etc.):
    • FTIR is not available for ice wine must and late harvest must.
    • FTIR is not available for ice cider must.
    • FTIR is not available for “strong” wines such as fortified wines, aperitifs, liqueurs, mistelles, port-type wines, etc.
    • FTIR is not available for fire ciders and aperitif ciders.
    • FTIR is not available for meads and maple wines.
    • FTIR is no longer available for pear and strawberry products.
  • Samples should not have undergone excessive sulphites additions (reaching sulphites levels exceeding ‘’normal’’ quantities).
  • Products must not have undergone “abnormal” processing such as strong deacidification, heating (fire cider), etc.
  • Products must lie within the normal parameters of its category. Example: a pH of 4.5 or 2.7 is not considered normal for a wine. An alcohol level of 9.0% or 15.0% is not considered normal for a wine. The FTIR may not read up to these values and all other parameters may as a result be distorted.
  • Products must not be oxidized or be characterized by a high level of acetic acid or superior alcohol (ex. methanol, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, etc.).
  • If your product does not comply with the conditions required by the FTIR, you will still receive your analytical results as is, but they might be laking precision. If we are able to identify your product as not suitable for the FTIR, a note will be added onto your certificate to warn you (” Product not suitable for FTIR analysis “).
  • If your product does not meet one of the conditions described above, we recommend to select your desired analysis from the list of individual analysis or analytical packages “T”, “H” or “F”.

Mosti lab reserves the right to replace the FTIR method for any parameters, no charge, by a manual method if the technician judges that it is necessary.
